Bahrain Grand Prix 2025

Nestled strategically in the Arabian region, Bahrain is a country famous for its spices and traditions. Nowadays we know Bahrain as a major oil-producing country but the government has been working tirelessly to try and portray Bahrain as a major travel destination and it’s surely working. Bahrain has seen a lot of tourist footfalls recently. Those who appreciate art and culture will be enamored by the age-old heritage buildings spread across the country. Bahraini cuisine is largely influenced by Irani, Iraqi, and Indian cooking styles. Loads of seafood and rice-based dishes are the specialty of this country. Some notable rice dishes are mixed rice Magbous, sweet and savory rice called Mahamar, and the quintessential Bahraini biryani prepared with local spices. All in all, a Bahrain trip will enrich your global cultural experience.